Posted on March 30, 2019 -
Bad Girls are loved for their fantastic bodies doing unbelievable things at your bachelor party because who doesn't love sexy curves, bouncy boobs and tight, round booties. What's our secret? How do you get a Bad Girl exotic dancer body?
We'll tell you all about it here on how to become a hot Bad Girl. All you need is healthy diet choices, that you make sure it's easy to follow for yourself and the fact that those diet choices can adapt to your changing lifestyle.
First off, choose the diet that is right for your lifestyle, one that is also the best for your metabolism because this is key. Gone are the days of worrying when you can't fulfill a diet plan because you chose the perfect diet for yourself.
If you don't like the food and the diet choice, you don't have to stick with it because these choices will only work for you when they work in your lifestyle too, otherwise what's the point of doing something you don't like? Keep in mind that forcing yourself to diet is unhealthy, pick the one that's the best for you.
There are many diet choices out there:
When a diet is too hard to follow, do not worry because you didn't lose the fight. You just need an alternative way, in this case, that would be switching to another diet plan. I consider a diet hard when I'm counting calories, food journaling, measuring portions, restricting cravings like meats, sweets or actual food. I will never be able to do long-distance fasting, a vegan lifestyle or zero fruits and complex carbs. That's too hard for me. As well, food journaling is fun for the first chunk of time.
Soon, I will be out having beer and blueberry pie and that journal note will never make the entry. Now, however, my food journal gets pushed around and soon, becomes my scratchpad for random notes.
This is the moment when the diet plan becomes too hard to maintain and you can't keep up and continue with it.
Our diet choices must be able to shift with our lifestyle. We need diet contingency plans that we could use if others fail to work because our life changes and our diet should too.
For example, I'm on a Keto Diet. Everything is going great, I'm losing weight, taking long walks and I'm happy. Then, out of the blue, my dad has another heart attack.
Eating a salad during a high-level stress load in life is truly not helpful to my new goals and parameters.
What are my new goals now? Getting through the day, being there for my family, going within and perhaps eating whatever sounds soothing. Some days it may be whiskey and pizza. Other days, it might be hot tea and chicken soup.
At this point, I can still try to maintain my exercise routine while permitting myself to process the emotional stress.
My lifestyle has just changed, just like that, unexpected. Now, my diet may have to change too because diets need to be adaptable.
As life can change quickly, allowing me to adjust my diet and to adjust my lifestyle allows me to be more gentle on myself so that I can still commit to healthy goals.
The most important secret is hiring a pro.
When your health is on the line, best to go to the pro. When I need to adjust my lifestyle and eating habits, the place I lean into is my fitness pros. They are the ones living, breathing, and eating fitness.
Fitness pro, Joe Pietaro from Muscle Sport Magazine works directly with bodybuilders and pro fitness models.
Joe is based out of the East Coast and his magazine, radio show, and Social Media accounts are filled with helpful fitness information that you can use right now, for free.
I love using the pros because they have their finger on the pulse of fitness. They know what's hot and what's not.
The Ultimate Bachelor Party Experience